I should be studying says the teen not studying
POSTED ON Monday, 28 January 2013 AT 16:48 \\
So my friend cindy, in an attempt to get me to write a new post has tagged me in this questionnaire thingy. Go check her out and enjoy!

Why did you start blogging?
To be quite honest, I was bored one August night and had a little inspiration. I wanted to keep track of my senior year in high school and look back 3-4 years from now and probably say 'wow  i was one pathetic 17 year old but i had fun'.  I've had numerous blogs prior to this one but for reasons i'm not really sure i was unable to commit to them. Hopefully that doesn't occur with this blog.

What is behind your blog name?
Two summers ago i got really into Greek mythology. I would spent countless hours reading books and doing research online for the heck of it. I stumbled across Vulcan which is an ancient Greek God of fire which at 15, I thought was pretty rad. I also happen to always drive by a street on my way to my local Mosque called Vulcan St. The story behind my blog title has more of a deeper meaning to me. Ameliorer is a french verb for 'to improve' which is really inspirating to me. I wish to consistently improve myself as a person, as a daughter, a student, a friend. Everything really. A motto I try to live by and practice

Who is your style icon?
Kind of hard to say considering I have absolutely no sense of style and don't care for fashion at all really. I was never really big on trends and keeping up with them. I just wear what looks clean and comfortable. Dark colours and vans is an everyday theme.

What are the best words of advice you've been given?
They have yet to make their appearance.

Where do you what to live when you're older?
I was asked this just last week. A battle between Dubai or Saudi Arabia or maybe somewhere in Europe

What's your favourite book?
I've read countless book, this is one question I absolutely hate being asked. I've fallen in love with so many books, that it actually physically pains me to think of only one book as my all time favourite. So to spare myself, i'll list 5 books in which i would have died had i not read them.
1. A Scientific Romamce by Ronald Wright
2. The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes
3. My Name is Memory by Ann Brashares
4. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
5. A Good Death by Gil Coutemanche

Coffee or Tea?
 Die hard coffee lover.

What is your favorite food?
Most probably some sort of fruit. Or maybe all fruits...

Which person do you admire the most?
I've never really looked up to anyone in my life. There were times were i would be jealous of someone due to a personality trait i lacked or feature i didn't have which is totally normal but nonetheless annoying. But i dont believe ive actually admired someone, inspiring role model wise.

What does your perfect Saturday night look like?
Up till 3 either reading or watching netflix brainlessly

Make your own happiness
POSTED ON Tuesday, 1 January 2013 AT 14:01 \\
It's officially 2013 which sounds kind of awkward and odd whereas 2012 just rolled off the tongue with ease and sounded certain. Lets look back at 2012 for a second, it was a rocky year. Through all of 2011 and most of 2012, I was awkward and shy and really negative. If you asked me why, for the life in me I couldn't give you a concrete answer. Not even an answer at all. A few days ago a childhood friend was staying over for a few days. We've been friends since I was in the 5th grade and her in the 7th. She had asked me, jokingly might I add, when I had become so negative. In regards to my pessimistic outlook towards life and my abilities. I responded with a simple I don't know. And I don't. But bare with me, I see a brighter future and a happier me. I'm learning to be more positive and more confident in a sense. I truly believe this was only a high school phase, I pray to Allah (swt) that it is.  That type of outlook will get you no where. Positivity will be my new favourite shade of black.

On a lighter note, I spent new years eve at a friends house with a very small group of friends. We basically just walked around the neighborhood and ate chocolate and cried a bit and drank pepsi, which i hate actually lol. Last year I spent new years eve mostly sitting down on a couch drinking coke at a party. This year was a million times better, I wasn't surrounded by haraam (forbidden by God) and I didn't have to see drunk people making fools of themselves to enjoy themselves. Good company is all you really need . 

Happy new year to all!